Created in 1413-1430
Author: Jean Saulnier
Translator: None
Chantilly MS 153 owned by Anne of France, duchess of Bourbon (March 1484-1522). Ownership Confirmed with Inventory as evidence.
Chantilly MS 153 owned by Charlotte of Savoy, queen of France (post-1441-December 1483). Ownership Confirmed with Inventory as evidence.
Chantilly MS 154 owned by Anne of France, duchess of Bourbon (March 1484-1522). Ownership Confirmed with Inventory as evidence.
Chantilly MS 154 owned by Charlotte of Savoy, queen of France (post-1441-December 1483). Ownership Confirmed with Inventory as evidence.
NE 869 owned by Catherine of Alencon, duchess of Bavaria-Ingolstadt (1413?-1462?). Ownership Possible with Dedication as evidence.